Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting Acquainted

what better way to get acquainted than a water fight?

i met all of the kids last week at the service and got the chance to see many of them again on Sunday, but tonight was the first night that i felt at home in the service. it may have been becuase of the water fight that we had before the service began.

last week jody told me about a game called "Poor Man's Laser Tag" (Brad if you are reading this is a great idea for the youth). The game is fairly simple. Participants tape construction paper to the front of their shirt. Each team has a different color construction paper. Each participant is given a water gun (small one). After about 15 minutes or so, the game is called. The papers are removed and whoever has the dryest papers wins.

Tonight, though, the adults were given bigger waterguns, and I was given the supersoaker :-) I wasn't on anyones team, so i went around and shot all the kids. it was so much fun! one boy hid in the corner the whole time, so when he finally came out, he showed off his dry paper. he thought the game was over, but not for me. I soaked him and his paper. in response, he took the garbage can that had all the water that had leaked out of the guns and dumped it on me. this resulted in much laughter and me chasing him around the fellowship hall trying to get payback (until Jody asked everyone to sit down)

When i did sit down, it that was were i belonged, like they had accepted me. I know that I did not come to pooler to please people or to be excepted by the people here, but that doesn't mean that it isn't really nice! and as it is my goal to minister to the youth, being accepted by them will make that job alot easier and more enjoyable!

tomorrow we are going to the beach, another chance to play with water, and, of course, laugh with a group of kids who love to do just that. i can't wait.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Continue to pray for the relationships that are being created. That the conversations will flow from boys (which seems to be the main topic of conversaition) to the only One who can satisfy the desires of our hearts.

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