Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dos dias until PERU!!

In only two days, I will be leaving for Peru. The trip will be short compared to the one that I took last summer, very short!! Only one week, and two of those days will be spent in the airport or on the plane. That means that we have only 6 days on the ground in Peru...6 days to share the gospel, 6 days to be the hands and feet of Christ, only 6 days to disciple the believers in Peru. I have been overcome by how little time we have and how much we have to do!
We, we, really is not about us at all nor are WE going to accomplish anything outside of HIM. Him, Him, should be all about Him, but somehow the focus is often shifted in the wrong direction, the direction of me and we. Pray that our focus this week will be HIM. I believe that our main purpose is going to Peru is not to change the country (or even a portion of it) but to be changed ourselves. We can be an encouragement to the believers there and even share the gospel with a few. However, I believe that God's main purpose in taking us to Peru is to change us so that we can return with our eyes open to the vast world around us, a world in which over a billion people have never heard of the name of Jesus Christ; a world desperate for the good news that we have kept hidden "under a bushel" for too long when we should "let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!"
There are many prayer requests that I have for this week, but my main request of you is that you please PRAY. Pray for these requests or any others that God may lay on your heart, remembering always that the prayers of a righteous man avail much!!
Pray for the children in the orphanage that we will visit, pray for the administration at the school and the orphanage, pray for the team of local Peruvians that we will be working alongside, pray for safe travel and good working weather, pray for good attitudes and a team spirit, pray, pray, pray and thank you for your prayers!!
The week leading up to this trip has been simply amazing. I have gotten a lot of time to relax. Adam and I played chess outside on a life-size chess set on Monday. The weather was gorgeous and I even won a game (I think that he was slacking on the first game :-) It was my first time to play chess, and I can not wait to go back. Kate and I spent some time by the pool on Wednesday. Today and tomorrow I will be spent hanging out with Mom and Dad and Corey. God has certainly answered my prayer for a time to relax and catch up with friends and family. It has definitely been a wonderful last week of summer--well my summer at least. As soon as I return from Peru, the summer semester will begin, complete with classes and a research project. I am disappointed that the fun will end so soon, but also excited to be productive once again!
I can not wait until I write again. I hope to share with you many stories of God's glory revealed.
Much love and gratitude,

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It is very quiet

The sound of the dishwasher and the washing machine are so very peaceful to me. They remind me of those summer days during high school when my to-do list contained three items--wash clothes, read a book, swim--and all of those were optional. The past few days have been much like that. Granted, the to-do list now contains a few more items. Today, for instance, it looked much like this
--Kill the bugs that are invading the kitchen
--Write thank-you notes
--Read a book
--Cook dinner
--Wash clothes
Notice what it did not contain. There were no meetings to attend (except lunch with mom and nana), no classes for which to study, and no homework to complete!! So, now that my short to-do list is complete, I am not really sure what to do with myself. I am now sitting, listening to the hum of the dishwasher and considering dessert at SONIC!
In the quiet of the day, I have had much time to think. My thoughts traveled many different paths, but they kept leading me back to Peru.
In looking at my calendar this morning I saw that today was the day that I was supposed to leave for Nambia, a country in Africa. I just knew that was where I was supposed to go this summer. I made plans to attend, told everyone that I was going-- but God had other plans. I went to sign-up for the trip, only to find that it had been cancelled due to lack of interest. There was my neon sign that this was not the trip for me. So, a little discouraged, I began to check out my other options--or option I should say. There was only one open trip that did not conflict with classes, so after 24 short hours of deliberation and a bit of wise counsel, I signed up for the trip to Lima, Peru. Hindsight (which is always 20-20 they say, but I think that it is even better than that, magnified to perhaps 40-20) shows me that it was I, not God, who wanted me to go to Africa. It was such a glamorous trip--one that made me feel good about myself, like I was somehow going to save all the orphans with one smile. God, in His graciousness, painlessly aligned my will with His.
As I wrote a few thank you notes today, I had a chance to reflect on the way that God has provided for this trip. So many people have given VERY generously to support God's work. Because of their efforts, I will be able to see God's work first hand in Peru. Through their gifts, I was able to see God as the Great Provider.
As I sat down to read today, I began to think even more about the trip and how spiritually unprepared I am to go into a foreign country. However, I received great assurance from His word that He will provide the power that I need.
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my the end of the earth"--Acts 1:8
Pray that God will continue to use the quiet moments and even the not-so quiet ones to prepare me for His missions. Pray that my eyes will be like His, able to see the whole globe as the work of His hands and as the orchestra intended to sound His praises. Pray that He will prepare my feet to walk, my lips to speak, and my hands to touch in a way that reflects His glory.
Well, I am about to head off to bed--or to SONIC I haven't quite decided.
Ta-ta for now.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's been a long time...

Since I posted on my blog--last summer actually. I had forgotten what a privilege it is to be able to not only write my thoughts but have someone read them!
I was reminded of these things while reading Jessica and Amanda's blogs through which they are chronicling their trip to Spain. They left today :-(
I can't believe they will be gone for a whole month. In the big scheme of things, that is not too long, but to a girl who is wishing for Qdoba dinners with her roommates, it is quite a while.
So much has occurred since last summer, I couldn't and wouldn't even try to catch everyone up on all the details, but I will try to provide a little catch-up. First, I am officially finished with my sophomore year. It has FLOWN by so fast, even faster than my freshman year. Move-in seems like the day before yesterday. I am now officially a junior and anticipating the summer semester in which I will begin my honors research project. God has orchestrated things in that crazy way He does, and during this past semester I have discovered that I actually enjoy research. I will begin to see just how much I like it (or not) at the beginning of June when I begin working alongside Dr. Tim Nagy in the Department of Nutrition Sciences.
Other than academics, many other things, more important things, have occurred this year as well. God has led me to a church home--the Church at Brookhills. I am beginning to feel connected to the people there and can't wait to serve alongside these amazing Christ-followers in Peru at the end of the month and throughout my college career. The church as a whole has an amazing desire to see the name of Christ spread to all nations; that passion is fueled by in depth study of the Word and weekly, even daily, accountability and fellowship.
These two semesters have brought me new friendships and strengthened those that had already been established. It was sad to see the semester come to a close. As I drove past RAST last night, I just wanted to pull into the parking lot, walk back up to room 330A and open the door to hear the sound of laughter and smell brownies in the oven. However, I know that if I did I would only see empty white walls, smell dust and must, and hear the sounds of construction out the window. Funny that the room really meant nothing, it was simply the four walls in which we created so many memories.
I moved into a new apartment last week and the girls who live here are amazing as well. I know that I will quickly develop the same love for them that I had for my previous roommates and in no time we will begin to laugh and share in much the same way. I must admit though, I do not like driving everywhere I go, but I will get used to it soon enough (unless gas goes up again).
I will try not to wait so long in between posts next time. Thank In the mean time, please pray for the upcoming trip to Lima, Peru--May 24-31.
P.S. I have added some pictures below from this past year--enjoy!

Jessie and Woody (Adam and I) at the BCM Halloween party.

All the roomies at my birthday party!

Spring Break missions in Baltimore, MD