Saturday, July 28, 2007

Early Mornings and Late Nights

It is almost 11 Saturday morning, and we just finished cleaning up the house from the slumber party last night. I am still exhausted, but I could not stay asleep any longer; Mr. Sunshine was shining in my eyes and the smell of homemade cinnamon rolls was floating into the living room. The slumber party marked the last night of VBS. I only have one more week here in Pooler. This week I have spent so much time with the kids, and the fact that I only have one more week left with them has broken my heart on more than one occasion.

This week has been so busy. We have gotten up early (early being before 9) more than once this week and have gotten in bed after 12 more than twice.

Monday night was the first night of VBS. Georgianna taught the lesson from the front of the church bus using a combination of her boisterous voice and the bus's speaker system. She fell around a little as we went around curves and lost of few people to sleep (as it was almost 11), but over all it was a great lesson on Mary and Joseph. We had to do the lesson on the bus because we were on our way to the Ichetucknee River, home of the coldest water that I have ever felt! The river flows from springs that originate in Lake City, Florida, and it flows into the Gulf of Mexico. So, we went to Lake City on Monday night and got a hotel room.

At eight o'clock Tuesday morning (early) we went to Cracker Barrel and then headed to the river. I tried to gently acclimate myself to the frigid water, but Adam had other plans. He pushed me in and then proceeded to Baptize me, three times (or maybe it was four)--"In the name of the Father (dunk), the Son (dunk), and the Holy Spirit (dunk), Amen (dunk). After the slightly sac-religious ceremony, we got our tubes and headed down the river. It takes about four hours or more to float down the river. There are some trees that you can climb up and jump off of into the water, but I would not suggest it. I ended up bear hugging a tree for what felt like fifteen minutes because when I tried to go up the tree my foot slipped and I was not about to go down--for one it would be embarrassing to not make it (2) there were people behind me and (3) there was a snake close by on the ground. Three good reasons to keep climbing. After much pushing from behind, I made it to the top and jumped off as fast as my legs would take me; I did not want to be on that tree any longer.

Tuesday night's lesson was short and sweet because everyone who did not go home to sleep was half-asleep. The lesson was about John the Baptist; the point--Jesus is already here around us, performing miracles and showing Himself to be real, our job, like John's is to point Him out to those who cannot see.

Thursday night I had the privilege of teaching the VBS lesson on the early church. As God molds my definition of church and fellowhsip, I have begun to see the need to discuss God's word and spend time praying together. So, I shortened the portion of the lesson where I talk and people listen. When that boredom was over, we split into groups and prayed for one another, we prayed for our youth group, and we shared our concerns about Rothwell and the community of Pooler. It was so amazing to see people's hearts. One of my main prayer concerns this past few weeks has been honesty in our youth group and our church. I have been asking God to help people open up there hearts and be honest with themselves first, then with God, and lastly with someone trustworthy in the church. When we are not honest our problems only fester; true healing comes when we admit that there is a sore there and begin to medicate it with the Word and Godly counsel.

After this brief time of prayer and discussion, we headed to the beach. All the way to the beach, a group of us sat in the front of the bus and talked about ourselves and our church. This was the first time that we have had these sorts of conversations on "fun outings". Kaitlyn had shared earlier that this was her desire, that we begin to carry church into our activities. She was with us during the conversation Thursday, and I think that God is going to use her as a force of change at Rothwell, someone who will redirect the focus of conversations to the One who matters most.

After games at the beach, we joined again for a time of prayer. Many of the kids shared their appreciation for this summer's youth group--the opportunities for service, the fellowship, the worship. We had a few minutes of alone time before we left, and I just stared up at the moon and thought about how God had used me this summer to be a reflection of His glory, just as the moon reflects the sun. What an awesome privilege! So much of me does not want to leave. I asked God, "So this is why you brought me here, to build relationships and then leave?". But I am reminded over and over that God's work is eternal. My leaving does not cancel out the ministry that I have done this summer, it only gives someone else a chance to water these beautiful and fruitful flowers so that they can produce seeds for the Kingdom.

I know this is a long post, but so much has happened this week, and I could not wait to share. Perhaps the most entertaining portion of the week was last night's slumber party. The theme was second-hand. All the girls were asked to wear something from the thrift store or their mom's closet. Leslie and I bought our dresses together and they were fabulous. Mine had cool shoulder pads and lots of beading. It was so tight that after 15 minutes of wear I had to put on some shorts under it; I had split it up the back so far! There are some pics below.

Thank you so much for your prayers this week. It has truly been a week of answered prayers and GROWTH. Continue to pray for this upcoming week. Pray that God will give me the strength to say goodbye. I cannot wait to see y'all. I love you!

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