Wednesday, May 13, 2009

School's OUT for SUMMER

Yeah! The semester is finally over. Today marked my first whole week of freedom and it has been utterly AMAZING. My days have been filled with reading, naps, more reading, and various adventures.

One of my most recent and favorite adventures of the week came when we went to the park on Monday--Adam, Rachel and I. We hiked around for about 2 hours and somehow I managed to stay on my feet despite the rock slides and slippery, pine-straw covered trails. After the hike we headed to the sea-saws, swings, etc. All of the playground equipment was fairly dilapidated and quite frightened but Adam had a desire to play on the sea-saw, so we did. After a few ups-and-downs, he went down too quickly and therefore I went UP and didn't stop going UP even though the sea-saw did....ahhh! I went flying forward and smacked into the board before falling off. Luckily there was only slight pain and an abundance of laughter!

There was a first for me this week--I cut the grass with a riding lawn mower. Adam has a GrassHopper (aka a really cool yard cutter that actually makes you WANT to cut the grass...imagine that). He graciously allowed me to drive it. It is his pet and I know that this was quite difficult for him to let me loose on it, but perhaps it was worth it for him as he got to see me do donuts on it....yipee! Who knew cutting grass could be so fun? Of course I didn't get to finish the yard b/c he had to take over and polish off the edges while I tried to cover the divots that I made from turning too sharply, too quickly :-)

Those are just some of the adventures for the week, surely there are many more to come!

Continue to pray for me as I enjoy my break but also prepare for OK. I found out this week that two other girls will be joining me there, so remember them in your prayers along with all of the DaySpring Villa staff and guests.

Much love!

NOTE: This blog was written last week but just now is the computer speedy enough to post...enjoy :-)

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