Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh, how I love Jesus (and Fridays!)

It is the end of the week, and (am I allowed to say this?) yeah! We have had Bible school all week. It has been such a blast to work with the kids. The nights have been filled with laughter, joy, prayer, worship, and all the good things that you could ask for, which makes me wonder, why am I so tired and emotionally drained? I am not sure, but I am sure that it was worth it.

Brother Devin allowed me to partner with him and Carol this week as we taught Bible stories to kids in the kindergarten through fifth grade classes. I know that THIS is exactly where God wanted me to be. The kids cycled through in fifteen minute intervals, so I got to see almost all of them everyday. While they were in Bible study, we played a couple of really fun games that tied into the Bible study for the day (and we told the Bible story, of course). A couple of nights, Brother Devin let me help tell the story. People have always told me that the best way to learn something is to teach it, and that proved to be so true for me this week.

When telling a story to children, you have to really be familiar with it because you have to tell it in your own words (they do not understand thee, thou, accord, sanctification, transcends, etc.) without getting the facts wrong or embellishing. Last night, we were retelling the story of the early church. The narration began with Jesus' ascension into heaven (ascension, another word that they do not understand). So, I began to think of ways to explain it. When Jesus went up into heaven, it was like their friend just floating off, like someone suddenly inflated Him with helium. How strange would that be? No wonder they stood staring into the sky for so long. I asked the kids, "How long do you think they stood staring at the sky, wondering where He went?" So many of the kids said, "one hour". How long do you think that it was? I don't guess we could know, but it must have been a long time because Acts says that God sent an angel to tell them to stop staring at the clouds; "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking to heaven?" (Acts 1: 11a). Isn't that cool? They were so dumbfounded that they just stood there, looking up until GOD sent an angel to keep them from breaking their necks :-)

This is just one of the cool things that I saw when I read the Bible stories from a different perspective!

Besides Bible school, there were also alot of other projects to work on this week because we are leaving for camp on Monday, which means that we had to (and still have to) get paper work together, prepare for lessons, and get the van ready. We also have a middle school party tomorrow night! MADNESS!

In the midst of a crazy and draining day and week, there has been so much encouragement. I ran into a guy from UAB at STARBUCKS; he used to hang out in our dorm room and moved to the area for the summer with his parents! It was so great to see a familiar face. How cool? Today alone I got five cards in the mail (really sweet ones too). And, to top it all off, I got to see many kids pray to receive Christ during VBS! We do not know the exact #, but GOD does and He is rejoicing! The kids were encouraged to come forward during the invitation Sunday morning and afterwards be baptized, so maybe they will. Go God!

Thank you so much for your prayers. PRAY for the youth as we travel to camp and stay there throughout the week next week. PRAY for ministry opportunities on the way to camp and when we arrive. PRAY for spiritual growth and unity in the group. PRAY that God will continually renew my emotional and physical strength. Hopefully, I will be able to take advantage of this weekend of rest!

30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;

31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:30-31

P.S. The pic is from last weekend when Leslie (middle), Kaylie (left), and I (right) went shopping and to SONIC for ice cream (no night is complete without ice cream)!!


Miss Colley said...

Sybil, I'm thrilled to see the way God is using you and blessing you. May His grace and peace go with you this week as you travel to camp.

Lots of Love,
Miss Colley

Amanda said...

I am finally getting a chance to catch up on your blog and on everything that is going on in the wonderful town of Savannah. I completely identify with being emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained but God says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that his grace and power will shine in our weaknesses. So every time that we are tired and worn out, God is showing his glory through us! I think that's awesome! I will continue to pray for you! Love you girl!
