Thursday, June 7, 2007


The elderly people of the church are those who are the most faithful; they attend every service, give money during every offering, and pray for every need. Yet of all those in the church, they get the least attention. When was the last time that the Senior adults had a fun day (that someone else planned for them) or a special service with "their kind of music"? We have become accustomed to ignoring their voice as that of "the past generation"; of course, there is a time for change and change is healthy. We must not hold on to things just because they are tradition. However, we should revisit our foundations, the things that built the church and that will continue to keep us strong.Today I had the opportunity to do just that.

This week, Jody and I spent some time selecting prayer partners for the youth that will be attending camp. The list consisted mainly of senior adults--the prayer WARRIORS. Jody decided that, if we didn't see them at church on Wednesday night, we would hand deliver them. He warned me that this could take a while. I was expecting to drop off the prayer partner requests and drive to the next house, but these visits turned into so much more! They became times of prayer and encouragement and reminders that great wisdom is lost when we stop listening to the voice of those who are our elders (only by a couple of years :-) ).

The second visit we made was too a lady named Miss Ouida. I was scared to say her name while we were there because I am still not certain of the pronunciation. As soon as we walked into her house, I knew that this lady was going to make a great prayer partner for me (I got a GOOD one!!!). A stack of books the height of a small child sat on her ottomon, which included her Bible, concordance, Open Windows, and other spiritual resources. Each one was worn with love, the product of daily appointments with God. When she opened her mouth to speak, encouragement overflowed. Miss Ouida told us of her deep burden for Rothwell Baptist, which is currently experiencing a sharp drop in attendance. Her passion flowed with every word as she spoke of her desire to "fix it," and the hurt she felt knowing that she couldn't. She then spoke lovingly of her pastor and his work. Every word she spoke was one that uplifted someone else.

Jody and I left, stunned at what God had taught us in those few minutes that we spent with her. Why do we not do this more often? This is the 3rd visit that I have made to the home of a senior citizen since i have been in Rothwell, and each one has been a deep blessing. I can't wait to finish handing out the prayer partner request; hopefully during this time i will be able to gain more knowledge from these saints of God.

I praise God for those in B'ham, like Miss Ouida. They still send their wisdom to me, even here in Pooler. Thank you so much!

Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?
Job 12:12

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Such a great point! This is something that should definitely be realized. I miss you and will be praying for you!