Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where did the time go?

I cannot believe that it is 2009! The past year seems like a big blur of school, school, and more school. In the midst of all that school, there were some pretty amazing moments. I would like to copy Jess and list just 20 magnificent things that God has blessed me with this year. I am sure that I could name 365 for every day of the year or maybe even 2,008 things--God is that GOOD!

1. Amazing roommates--I have relocated three times in the past year (or was it four?), and no matter whether I find myself of the 1st, 3rd, or 6th floor of Rast, I am surrounded by the most amazing roommates who constantly encourage me and spur me towards Christ.

2. Brookhills--A church to call home where I am challenged by the Word of God

3. Family--I spent the past few weeks at home and was reminded just what an amazing family I have.

4. Corey--Over the past year I have seen him grow so much (as have I). We can now play video games together or even go out in public without fighting.

5. Peru--The short trip to a land that seems so far away awoke my heart to the treasure of children.

6. Small group--These girls challenge me weekly and the responsibility of Bible study keeps me in the Word.

7. Adam--Perhaps he should be further up the list? :-) Last night I stayed here with Rachel while he went to work and this morning, when I awoke to the sound of his truck in the drive-way, I couldn't help but ask myself--"How did I get so lucky?"

8. Baking--I have discovered a great love--decorating cupcakes. Thursday I used my new decorating kit for the first time to jazz up a key lime cake that I created for Adam. I believe that it worked quite well!

9. Cheese dip--sad? It is my favorite and of all the cheese dip that I have had this year, I will have to say that Wing's has the best (thanks Jessica for always ordering it).

10. Animals--We got a new kitty at home (she still doesn't have a name). She is so precious, even when she knocks over the water bowl.

11. Old friends--Karly, Hannah, Valerie, and Jill--I am so blessed to still be able to hang out with each of them.

12. Running--I have discovered an exercise that I never thought I would enjoy. It feels great (afterwards)!

13. podcasts--David Platt's sermons have challenged and encouraged me along many a road trip and there have been many

14. babysitting--sometimes this is the highlight of my week; i love the funny things that children say

15. Allison--our weekly lunch dates provide the pick-me up that I often need on Tuesday afternoons.

16. Pictures--isn't it cool that we can capture so many memories and relive them again and again?

17. Grandparents--this year has brought the loss of one very, very funny and incredibly special man. Over Christmas, we laughed, as we always do, at many of Pawpaw's crazy antics, except this time he wasn't there to laugh with us.

I must share this one story with you:
Someone, not sure if it was Aunt Linda or Nana, had received a new set of Corelle dishes. If you know Corelle, you know that they "won't break." Well, he decided to test this theory by using one as a Frisbee. After discovering that they would break, he didn't stop there, but continued to throw them, all the while upset that the company had lied.

18. Sand--the trip to the beach this year, although short, was a perfect weekend getaway.

19. Grace--This year I have dropped the ball so many times. Despite my inadequacies, His grace is enough!

20. Direction--If you would have asked me last year, "What are you going to do with that degree?" I would have shrugged my shoulders and asked if you had any ideas.

This year, I can say, with great excitement and a tinge of fear--"I am going to teach." This time next year, I may say something very different, but I know that God is in control, and, wherever He leads, I pray that I can follow, whether that means making Him famous in a high school in Alabama or an orphanage in the Philippines.

21. All of those who take the time to read this blog! Thanks!

Happy New Year!

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